
Once there is life there is room for improvement and a purpose to be fulfilled. This means that the Creator still has a plan and therefore we have a work to do. In life we ought to seek our purpose by assessing our Personal, Spiritual growth along with the seemingly miniature things of nature.

Our purpose should be guided by our beliefs which shape our morals and values. It is aided by the character that we build. No one asks for difficulty but that is also one of the aspects of life not forgetting the joys and excitement. However; the journey is not complete until you go through; then and only then the true meaning of life is revealed. It is not always necessary to see far into the future than the revelation allows.

On this journey it is the honour of the author to share and give some inspiration of life and the impact on others. Let’s take the time gifted and allow the purpose to be fulfilled.

The best is yet to come!! 


  1. This Blog is just wonderful and amazing and i hope you continue posting and upholding the inspirational purpose of it. For every life you touch with this blog, i hope you receive blessings 10x. May the Lord always be with you.
