Wednesday 15 February 2017


Mountain Mover to you I give My Worship

Hey Friends,

I  Like to boast about my God because He has given me the reason where there seems to be no reason!

What do we do when faced with obstacles also known as 'MOUNTAINS"??

My God is bigger and greater than any Mountain placed on this earth.
There is no trick, science or magic.........
It's simple........
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God created this earth and everything therein, He has All the power and All authority to build and renew any situation or remove any obstacle faced. He is the King of all Kings and Lord of all Lords.

Let us think for a moment..... When this world was created everything was spoken into existence however, God took His time to form us.

Therefore there is nothing to hard, or any mountain 'too big' for God to remove from our lives.
God will take care of our problems. Problems can be removed by just one word/ or command from the mouth of God. 

Check out another Video from Positive....... He believes that My God is a Mountain Mover

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