Sunday 19 February 2017

Toward your destiny

Toward your destiny

Hey guys,

Do you realise that your life is more than mere existence, that we have a source of strength, a guide an example?

In the morning when we rise...
When we feel like giving up , like throwing in the towel, or there is no hope,
Let us remember what Christ did....
We are designed and crafted a speciality product of the master
It can be said that we were almost made from nothing or He made us from very little,
Your Environment does not make or determine your destiny unless you allow it to,
However, the Creator , God determines what, where and who we will be, once we put our lives in His hands.
He is our source of strength
He is a ray of hope,
He is the sustain er of all
We may not know but we must never forget that God is in charge just give him the opportunity

We just have to give him the opportunity.

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